Intro to Lyra Series

Intro to Lyra is a carefully crafted series for students who have never touched a Lyra or students wishing to refine their Lyra foundation. This series meets 6 times - once a week for 6 weeks.

In this 6 week beginner series, you will learn to build body awareness and increase your confidence in yourself, while having fun trying something new! We will learn some conditioning, poses and transitions, and by the end of the 6 weeks, you'll have experienced a taste of the many different facets Lyra can offer.

Graduates from this series will be able to repeat or move on to Lyra 1. There’s no dance or movement experience required. This class welcomes everyone.

This class meets weekly. Due to its progressive nature, we highly recommend you ensure you can attend every class in the series before committing.

About the Series

Upcoming Series

*** If you have any issues enrolling with the links below, please visit our MindBody instance directly and click on the Series Tab at the top ***