Competition Tips with Kelsey

January 31, 2019

With competition coming up, we have some awesome tips from one of our very own instructors and fellow competitor, Kelsey, to share with you all as you prepare for Emerald, Nationals, or other pole competitions this year! She has participated in three pole competitions since 2015 and will be competing in the PSO Emerald Championship Level 5 category. We hope you find her tips helpful on your competition journey!

1. Start early! They recommend you start three months in advance. I usually spend the first month experimenting with moves I want to do, then the second month I map those moves to choreography, and then the third month I just practice practice practice!

2. Try not to do new moves in your routine. Take something you have already learned and reinvent it for your routine. Maybe find a new entrance or exit to that move or a variation. Trying to unlock new moves usually adds extra stress to the process so stick with something your body is familiar with!

3. Ask for help! It’s nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Find a friend and practice together, it will also hold both of you accountable for completing your routines!

4. Take care of your body! It’s very tempting to come in a practice every day but your body needs rest, make sure you are taking rest days, drinking lots of water, epsom salt baths, massages, or whatever you can to prevent your body from getting burnt out!

5. On the day of the competition, relax! This is all for you and your journey. Go out on stage, have a good time, and don’t worry about the result. You will have good days and you will have bad days. If something doesn’t go your way on competition day, then you try again at a different one! Be proud of yourself for being able to get up on that stage and show your community your passion!




Meet our Instructors | Yael